Employer Onsite/Near site Health Clinics

Mission: Assist small to mid-sized Employers (less than 100 employers up to 30,000 employees) and other supporters in evaluating and optimizing onsite / near site clinic solutions.
Co-Chairs: Flip Steinour, Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit #13 / TBA
  1. Bev Helkey, Employers Healthcare Coalition (two near site clinics)
  2. Charles Yarborough, CY Health Associates (Caterpillar & Lockheed Martin clinics)
  3. Brian Flowerday, SETSEG (launching near site pilot)
  4. Jessica Straub, Esq., SETSEG (launching near site pilot)
  5. Barbara Fahmy (*)
  6. Kathy Brady, CMB Health / Stern & Eisenberg, P.C. (*)
  7. Josh Ayers, BDO (**)
  8. David Hines, Metro Nashville Public Schools (six onsite clinics)
  9. Rob Shelley, Gateway Health Partners (***)
  10. (*) Co-Chairs, ACHRM TWH & Data Analytics Executive Team
  11. (**) Provide accounting / financial review later in project
  12. (***) Co-Chairs, ACHRM Demystifying PBM & Optimizing Rx Executive Team
2017 Recap
  • Launched Team mid-year as a result of +/- eight employers with onsite / near clinics presenting at ACHRM events and newer members expressing an interest (e.g., LLIU13, EHC, etc.)
  • Offered first Webinar in July
  • Initiated White Paper, “Financial and Legal Issues Associated with Onsite / Near site Employer Clinics” on Sept 28th
  • Developed White Paper’s outline and early drafts
2018 Proposed plans / strategies / objectives
  • Complete White Paper before ACHRM’s Second Annual Employer Track
  • Develop Roundtable / Webinars preparing and / or distributing the White Paper
  • Interview prospective Sponsor Partners
Summit discussion / collaboration points
  • Recruit more employer team participants
  • Sponsor / vendor suggestions
  • How to best leverage White Paper results? Next steps?


Check Previous Month Updates https://www.achrm.org/initiatives/